do you have a strong bond with your horse?

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horses are a huge part of our lives wether we know it or not. this quiz will help you come to an understanding with how strong your bond is between you and your horse.

how strong is your bond with your horse? would you die for him/ her? use this quiz to understand where you and your horse stand. I do have a horse myself and i have to say we are very close so please know that this quiz was made by a horse lover!

Created by: Caitlin
  1. how often do you see your horse?
  2. how often do you groom your horse?
  3. how does your horse greet you
  4. how often do you ride your horse bareback?
  5. do others ride your horse
  6. how many horses do you have
  7. what sport do you compete in?
  8. how old is your horse
  9. do you use whips or spurs
  10. would you die for your horse

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Quiz topic: Do I have a strong bond with my horse? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Horses Quiz category.