Do YOU have a pet dragon?

Dragons are nearly unstoppable, and in case you didn't know, they can breathe fire. 93% of people have already been eaten by dragons. 6% of people are sitting in the shower... armed with fire extinguishers, and the remaining 1% are awesome.

Do YOU have a dragon living at your house? You may need to take this quiz to now for sure if you do or don't. A dragon in the house can become a serious problem if not dealt with soon.

Created by: Hiccup H. H. III
  1. You commonly find food missing from your fridge, mainly raw meat.
  2. Items in your house are burning so often, you have the local fire department on speed dial...on your cell phone...and there's a fire extinguisher in each room.
  3. You always find yourself wondering if you're being watched...
  4. You don't have any good furniture in your house because it always gets covered in claw marks.
  5. You are afraid to bring home other pets because they mysteriously get eaten...
  6. You are afraid to invite friends over to your home...
  7. You find large scales around your home.
  8. You are allergic to reptiles
  9. You often find holes in the ceiling and walls
  10. You can't sleep at night wondering if you'll wake up INSIDE "its" stomach...
  11. You have actually SEEN "it"

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Quiz topic: Do I have a pet dragon?