Do you drink European Kool-Aid?

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Let's face it. Europeans created the garbage USA. The US still holds to its 17th-century ideals. Other European nations have managed to let go of this crap during the 20th century. This is not the case for the infamous United States of... ugh.

However, do you think like these people? Do you long for a return to these so-called "glory days" where military might alone was regarded as being the sole determiner of so-call "greatness"/"power"? As a follow-up quiz to my previous two, this quiz will shed some light on the basic idea of whether or not you are an open-minded person.

Created by: SomeGuy365
  1. America's National Debt is...
  2. Who aided Israel when they needed it most?
  3. The real biggest contributor to climate change is...
  4. The real biggest internal threat to America's supremacy is...
  5. The real biggest threat to America's economy is...
  6. American women are...
  7. European eco-shame...
  8. The real biggest external threat to America's supremacy is...
  9. America has...
  10. Canada has...
  11. You see a European and an African. They're both holding a gun. You tell them...
  12. White women...
  13. Who really created modern Israel?
  14. Who really created Communism?
  15. Who wrote the infamous Protocols of Zion?
  16. Why did America's Founding Fathers really oppose the creation of a central bank?
  17. If the Bible were accurate (which it's not)...
  18. But what if the Catholic Church could really be the Church of the Christian God?
  19. But what Jesus, hmm?...
  20. The Garden of Eden...
  21. But what Noe and his family?
  22. The European Union...
  23. Stereotype maps...
  24. As a non-American, what do you hate most about them?
  25. Since most summers are now unbearably hot, why do men now wear swim trunks and women bikinis?
  26. What do you hate most about Christmas, whether or not you consider it pagan?
  27. (Last question) my quiz was... (does not affect your score)

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Quiz topic: Do I drink European Kool-Aid?

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