Do you deserve to be in the emoji club

hermoine fun boring amaxing so super did i sat i love dinner socks power to say you need to change money is amazing i love it yu will to have power nat

aser nutr be a humanyou are fun to be arond with super talented amazing happy monkeys eats potatoe chips on mondays and it never gets old not even on a we

Created by: Jenni
  1. What is the emoji clubs logo
  2. What is the emoji clubs food
  3. What is the emoji clubs animal
  4. What is the emoji clubs color
  5. Who are the people who made the emoji club
  6. Are you awesome
  7. Do you deserve to be in the emoji club
  8. Do you think the last question effected your score
  9. Is this test _____
  10. Do you like Ice Cream

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Quiz topic: Do I deserve to be in the emoji club