Do you dare to go out shirtless(Guys only)

In this quiz, you will get to know if you dare to go out shirtless or not.It will be helpful if you are going to the pool or water park later.Hope it helped

If you are taking this quiz for fun, tell the truth because you will get to know if you dare going out shirtless or not.If you are a female please leave because it will not be effective.

Created by: Isaac
  1. How often are you shirtless
  2. Do you go to the pool or water park shirtless?
  3. What do you wear at a pool or water park?
  4. Do you like being shirtless?
  5. Do you wear tight shirts?
  6. What kind of belly do you have?
  7. What does your chest look like?
  8. Do people comment about your body?(Not in a bad way but serious)
  9. What belly button do you have?
  10. If your best friend asked you to go to a water park shirtless, will you go

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Quiz topic: Do I dare to go out shirtless(Guys only)
