Do you act Italian?

This test is a little stereotypical, so don't take it seriously and enjoy it for fun! I have nothing more to say but I have to write at least 150 letters!!!!

Yeah. Nothing to saaaaaaaaay. Do you have a pet? Please let me know in the comments below, LOL!! So......yeah. that's iiiiiit. Mmmm......150 charapteeeers....

Created by: Bea:)
  1. Choose you favourite option:
  2. Choose a dessert:
  3. What do you eat for breakfast?
  4. Around what time of the day do you have dinner?
  5. Choose the option that majorly describes you:
  6. What's your hobby?
  7. How many times per week do you usually consume eggs?
  8. Why do you like Italy? (I already know you do!)
  9. How many friends do you have?
  10. This is the last question. Byee!!

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Quiz topic: Do I act Italian?
