Do people like you to hang with them?

Are you liked.Are you hated.Would you rather just read.Would you rather write.Would you rather go just have sex with your boy.Do you Want to find out?

So are you liked?Are you hated.Are you in the middle.Would you rather go around and have sex with a bunch of boys. Take to find out.(im my opinion rated pg13 so be cotious)

Created by: RaeRae
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Fave coler
  2. How many friends do you have?
  3. The most popular girl in school walks up ito you and says"wanna come play tag with me and my friends,(your name)
  4. Do you have an accent
  5. Are you a worry wart
  6. Do you hang with snobs
  7. Like to read
  8. Boy or girl
  9. Like t.v.
  10. A boy walks up to you that you have liked for a few years and tries to snog you what do u do
  11. Last one will you rate or comment

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