Do I Have Good Reflexes?

Okay, don't take anything personal this quiz was made by a crazy person. Also I talk a lot about geometry dash in this quiz that is only because I believe it will help you have better reflexes.

I hope you like your results!!! And please comment so I know what I need to fix. Also please rate this quiz!!!!!!!!!!!Have a nice day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: HomicidalLiuMine
  1. Okay, have you ever played Geometry Dash?
  2. Have you ever won any levels?
  3. How many levels have you won?
  4. Someone screams "THINK FAST" and throws a ball at you (You:)
  5. Your friend is walking on the street focused on her phone and a car is speeding about to hit her. (You:)
  6. What is your response when someone throws a punch at you unexpectedly.
  7. Do you know what your spirit animal is?
  8. What is your spirit animal?
  9. Do you meditate?
  10. Do you exercise?

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