Do i have ADHD?

have you ever stressed the feeling you may have ADHD/ ADD? take this accurate quiz to find out. (disclaimer: don't use this as a diagnosis) good luck! :))

if you are however worried about your results, you may have a higher score then you thought? its always best to either talk with a therapist or go to a specialist doctor.

Created by: macy light
  1. have you ever found it difficult to sit still in a place you're expected to? e.g a classroom
  2. have you ever found yourself day-dreaming when you are ment to be focused?
  3. do you forget things easily?
  4. are you reluctant to beginning a piece of work that will require alto of thought and concentration?
  5. have you ever zoned-out whilst someone is talking to you?
  6. do you ever loose something you just placed down?
  7. how much do you relate to this ^you are asked to do something in a different room, you begun walking to that room but find yourself in a completely different room^
  8. do you ever find yourself talking on and on about irrelevant subjects/ topics?
  9. does it ever take you ages to finish a task? you may get distracted?
  10. do you find it hard to reach places on time?

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