Discover your Wings Of Fire Tribe!

This is a Quiz To see what Wings Of Fire tribe you are! I have Included Both Pyrrhia And Pantala Dragons, Hopefully you will get the one you want. I hope You Enjoy it!!!!

You can be: a SeaWing, SkyWing, Sandwing, MudWing, IceWing, NightWing, RainWing, LeafWing, HiveWing, Or a SilkWing. Hopefully you enjoy this quiz, Good luck!!!

Created by: ThePyrrianScroll_
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. What is your Favorite animal?
  3. Where would you live?
  4. Are you a Morning person Or a Night person?
  5. Which would you rather do?
  6. You find a MASSIVE bottle of glitter, what do you do?
  7. What is your favorite food?
  8. Who would you want to win the war?
  9. Who's Your Favorite Queen? (not based on tribe) Click none if it is none of these
  10. Who's Your Favorite Queen? (not based on tribe) Click none if it is none of these and you have already answered
  11. Who's Your Favorite Queen? (not based on tribe) Click none if it is none of these and you have already answered
  12. Who is your favorite dragon?(not based on tribe) Click none if it is none of these
  13. Who is your favorite dragon?(not based on tribe) Click none if it is none of these or you have already answered
  14. Who is your favorite dragon?(not based on tribe) Click none if it is none of these or you have already answered
  15. What do you prefer to do?
  16. You get low marks on a test, what do you do?
  17. what is your favorite book?
  18. What's your favorite tribe? Click None if it is none of these
  19. What's your favorite tribe? Click None if it is none of these or you have already answered
  20. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Discover my Wings Of Fire Tribe!
