Dictionary Test

Take this quiz to be a Diccionary expert. Please no cheating, it is not Fill-in-the-blank so no cheating. Besides, Cheating is Bad. Find out more in the next paragraph

Take a quiz to find the meanings to uncommon english Words Including the longest english word to get a highscore And be Good at word searching and meanings.

Created by: Xavier883
  1. Meaning of crash
  2. Meaning of Hod
  3. Meaning of pneumonnoultramicroscopicdilicovolcanoconiosis
  4. Meaning of highbrow
  5. Definition of Strike
  6. Definition of Logorrhea
  7. Meaning of Xanthic
  8. Definition of xystus
  9. Meaning of lagena
  10. Deginition of dystocia

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