Date Big Ben. Plz

Let's find out if you're the perfcto matcho for Big Benoo. Or maybe Ayaoo, but you're probably just a penis. Don't even worry though, it's perfectly natural.

You're still reading? Nice life, you should be super happy. FeelsGoodMan. Don't forget to comment like a big mango curry. Because mango is tee best corry

Created by: SonnyJim of BESTPineapple?
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you a mango?
  2. Are you familiar with thee Bible? (You should be, you sinner)
  3. Are you a big meanie?
  4. Do all of your organs work? (we may sell your kidneys)
  5. Do you like going outside?
  6. R u spr s3xy?
  7. How wonderful are kittens?
  8. Will you kiss ush on the first date?
  9. Do you enjoy fondling ducks?
  10. Do you enjoy fallout boy?

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