Could you make it as the next Beastar?

This is a quiz I've made to test your metal on becoming a Beastar. Good luck. And just a quick note, this quiz is not for the meek or the passive individual.

This is based on the Beastars Netflix show and not so much the manga, as I don't have a way go read that easily. If you don't get a reference or two you probably should catch up with the anime on there.

Created by: Vaneer
  1. First things first. Are you a Furry
  2. You see your competition struggling with a box full of heavy equipment. Do you...
  3. Your crush starts dating a small bunny. Do you...
  4. A sudden blackout happens and you just so happen to be nocturnal by nature. Do you...
  5. There's a dispute on your campus between a herbivore and a carnivore. Do you...
  6. You see a group of herbivores ganging up on a carnivore venting their frustrations on them over the recent devouring. Do you...
  7. The rabbit that your crush likes more than you suddenly returns. Do you...
  8. You want to get the attention of your crush. Do you...
  9. Your rival is making waves in the school community. Do you...
  10. You find yourself having feelings for a certain wolf named Legosi. Do you...

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