cool or NOT!!!!

I love this web site alot it makes you express your self in many ways and enjoy life. many people can take the quiz and make it one of the top 40 quizes

Many people neeed something entertaining and this is one way to put out energy and laughter. Maybe you will see that to if yuo make your own pop quiz.

Created by: brenna

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you have any real freinds?
  2. Do you drink, smoke, or on drugs?
  3. Do you get invited evrywhere
  4. how many people are your freinds?
  5. Do you like all types of people?
  6. do you play wiht little kids?
  7. Do you ditch school?
  8. Do you have sleepovers with her freinds?
  9. Have you evry told a roomer?
  10. do you sing in your room?

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