Clan, warrior name, rank, and story!

A simple quiz to let you know which warrior cat you're more like. Each cat has a different personality, name, clan, and personality. I tried my best on this quiz, I only wish that you enjoy! :)

Four results you can get. LilyBee, OwlScreech, CedarStream, and EbonyGaze. I hope you get the result you especially want, or one that is maybe similar to you. :)

Created by: RedWater
  1. Tom or she-cat?
  2. Rank?
  3. Would you have a mate?
  4. How about some kits?
  5. Preferred pelt color?
  6. Eye color?
  7. Personality?
  8. A group of rogues is attacking your clan, who do you save first?
  9. Your best friend happened to love another cat from a different clan, what do you do?
  10. A cat tries to attack you, what technique would you do?
  11. You're made an apprentice but you do not like your mentor, what do you do?
  12. You're leader and faced with a tough decision. Who do you trust?
  13. You are patrolling your own borders when you see a cat from your own clan kill another cat. What do you do?
  14. Are you from the DarkForest or from StarClan?
  15. An enemy from your clan is dying. What do you do?

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