Chicken Personality Quiz

Calling out all chicken-lovers! This quiz is for anyone who wants to know what their personality is most like compared to a chicken! If you are searching for a quiz for recommendations on what chicken breed to keep as a pet, then you can try checking out other quizzes, but this is not the place to find it!

Whaaat? Why do I have to write another paragraph? I just wanna do the quiz! Blah bla blah bla blah bla blah bla blah blah - Okie! Done! Let’s goooooo!

Created by: Kaylee
  1. Which of these would be you?
  2. How many friends do you have?
  3. What’s your favorite animal?
  4. Are you an introvert or extrovert?
  5. Wow, writing these questions is hard! Ok, out of the listed shades, which is your favorite?
  6. What do you do in your free time?
  7. Oh wow! I’ve actually been able to write so many questions! This is already the seventh! Way to go me!
  8. How social are you? 5 is ‘I am a HUGE chatterbox!’ and 1 is ‘When I see people approaching, I will go and hide in a corner.’
  9. Which would you fear most out of these awnsers?
  10. So, how’d ya like my quiz?

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