Celebrities under 25

There are many people who know lots about female celebrities under 25 but there are some who don't know anything about them. With this quiz you will be able to see if you know lots about female celebrities under 25 or not!

Are YOU a genius about female celebrities under 25? Do you know everything about female celebrities to qualify for that prestigious tile? Only you can wonder, but thanks to this quiz in just a few minutes you will find out!

Created by: Klaire Mason
  1. How old is Katy Perry
  2. Where is Tammin Sursok from?
  3. When did Ashlee Simpson release her first album?
  4. When did Emma Roberts first start acting?
  5. Who does Lindsey Lohan have a female public relationship with?
  6. How old is Rihanna?
  7. What is Vanessa Hudgens a spokesperson for? (apart from neutrogena)
  8. What has Ashley Tisdale made a living out of?
  9. What has Ashley Tisdale made a living out of?
  10. Where was Emma Watson born?
  11. What film is Megan Fox not in?
  12. Who does Mila Kunis play the voice on Family Guy?

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