Canterbury Tales Quiz

This is a character quiz from The Canterbury Tales By Geoffrey Chaucer. I chose 5 specific pilgrims from the story. Take the test to find out which one you would be.

This is a character quiz from Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer. I chose 5 specific pilgrims from the story. Take the test to find out which one you would be.

Created by: Carla
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. A friend wants to purchase an expensive item but cannot afford it. What would you do?
  2. You have just won $5000. Do you..
  3. You take care of others before you worry about yourself.
  4. What subject would you most enjoy studying?
  5. If you could only do one thing, which would you choose?
  6. Which one word best describes you?
  7. Would you rather....
  8. You would be most proud of..
  9. You mostly love..
  10. You are best known for your...

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