Can you read my mind

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You can do it I believe in you and if you think you can't you just are weird I think you can and if I think you can you can trust me you can I know you can

I know you can I know what you're all wondering can you do it who knows you just got to try and when you try you get there and even if you don't think you can you can

Created by: cat
  1. what number am i thinking
  2. What color am I thinking of
  3. What is my best friend's name
  4. How old am I
  5. What is my favorite sport
  6. What is my favorite football team
  7. Where do I want to go when I grow up
  8. What is my step dad's name
  9. What is my real dad's name
  10. What's my mom's name

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Quiz topic: Can I read my mind
