Can you handle the truth? ( UFO's)

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The UFO subject has been thrown around for so long, that most people don't know what to do with it. It is mostly taboo in conversations like religion and politics. But does anyone know what to do if "they" did land on the White House lawn?

Have you wondered what you would do, think, or believe? I have payed attention for 35 years, and I think this simple quiz can help start you thinking.

Created by: monica parr
  1. UFO means:
  2. what would you do if you saw a UFO in the sky?
  3. How often do you watch a documentary about the UFO phenomena?
  4. My favorite person in the UFO subject is:
  5. What is the correct spelling of the "Nordic type aliens"?
  6. The government would tell us if there were really UFO's.
  7. I have seen a UFO.
  8. I want to believe.
  9. I have had at least one paranormal experience.
  10. I know what the "Disclosure Project" is.

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Quiz topic: Can I handle the truth? ( UFO's)