Calum fureys quiz

In this quiz you will unlock your super power. Whatever you get, use it for good, not bad. The possible outcomes are: speed, strength,flyer,swimmer,freezer,mindmaster,volcanist,destroyer,creator,poionist.

Now, try to get a good one. Volcanist or mindmaster, ok? And you might even be almighty and get creator or destroyer. Now do this you well and.. Have fun!

Created by: Calum
  1. Are you good or evil?
  2. Do you care about yourself or others?
  3. What is your favourite hobby?
  4. What would you like best?
  5. Heads or tails?
  6. Which power do you want?
  7. Do you like night or day?
  8. Are you good at electronics
  9. Do you like adventures?
  10. Will you like your answer?

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