Big T's Warriors OC Mary Sue Test!

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This quiz will be judging your Warriors OC on whether you've made a Mary Sue or not.It will be judging it on Personality, pelt and eye colour, theyr life, role, species, etc etc.

DISCLAIMER: This quiz is probably not accurate! I suggest getting a proper criticizer to tell you what to fix and what to keep if you want the check to be more thorough.

Created by: Terraco
  1. What species is your OC?
  2. What is your OC's pelt colour?
  3. What is you're OC's fur pattern?
  4. What is your OC's eye colour?
  5. What is your OC's role at death?
  6. How would you describe your OC?
  7. Does your OC have a tragic backstory? If so how tragic?
  8. If they're apart of a clan, what clan is your OC apart of?
  9. Does your OC have any medical issues? Mental or Physical?
  10. Finally, the cherry on top. Does your OC have any powers, or do they take part in a prophecy/omen?

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