Beachbody - Which program is for you?

There are so many Beachbody programs available that it is hard to determine which is the best fit for you. This quiz is to help you figure that out.

Are you having trouble deciding which Beachbody program will work for you? Take this quiz and get a start in the right direction. Once you have it figured out then you can take the next step and contact me!

Created by: jghareeb777
  1. How much time do you have each day to workout?
  2. What is your main fitness goal?
  3. Do you prefer a male or female trainer?
  4. What type of equipment do you prefer?
  5. Which type of workout do you enjoy the most?
  6. Which muscle group would you like to target the most?
  7. How intense do you want your workout to be?
  8. Would you like a program that included a nutrition plan?
  9. Some Beachbody programs last 90 days, is that too long?
  10. Are you interested in drinking a shake daily to help with your weight loss and overall nutrition?
  11. Are you interested in having me as your coach?

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