
Quiz Image

Are YOU felling that you might just be a Basic b---- and you need to find out the true answer? Do your friends mock your hashtags on social media? Are you feeling just a little more basic than you used to since you got married?

Come take this quiz and get down to the honest facts! You may not escape from being a Basic b---- after all, but you may just be surprised to find out that you are not after all.

Created by: Momma Dot

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you call your spouse or significant other? If you do not have one, answer what you've called past ones or your prospective partner.
  2. How do you pose in pictures?
  3. If you had a daughter, which one of these names appeals to you most?
  4. Is it important to you to post news articles on your Facebook page?
  5. Are you a self-taught photographer?
  6. Do you share your Facebook page with your spouse with both your names as one?
  7. How often do you change your profile pic?
  8. Do you work?
  9. Do you photoshop your pictures?
  10. What is your favorite food?
  11. Who is your favorite actress?
  12. What is your favorite TV show?
  13. What is your favorite color?
  14. How many of these quizzes do you take a week?
  15. Fill in the blank: If _____ going to the market can you pick me up some milk ____?

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