Ashclan romance She-gurls only Part 2

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This is part 2 of the last quiz, I hope you enjoy this one! Please Like and Comment! And remember:If you see any bad grammar or did not like the quiz please comment right away and tell me any changes I can make in my next quiz

Remember the cats from the last quiz?If No: Remember Patches, Sparrowfeather, Berry, and Me Ashwing?! If Yes: They are the cats for this very quiz,Remember this is forbidden love bc you are a med-cat!

Created by: Ashstar
  1. Did you do part 1?This does not affect your results! if not please go do it
  2. You realized the tom was....Patches! Quickly you grabbed cobwebs and stopped the blood and then you gave him poppy seeds to ease the pain and Cat Thyme to help him sleep and Goosegrass to make sure you stopped the bleeding, and stayed with him to make sure he was all right,'what was he doing here? I thought I told him to go home'you thought worried...
  3. In the morning you felt the warmth of another cat and woke up to see Patches slithered around you and you purred without even know and stared at him! He woke up and met your eyes for a moment..the he blushed and looked away,"I see you fixed me up"he murmured,"Yeah and what were you doing?!"you hissed'I was going to find my brother when these black and white things attacked me!"he whined"those were badger....but never do that again you had me worried!"you hissed worried"so you were worried about me?'he asked causing you to blush and look away,
  4. You saw Sparrowfeather walk in and when he saw you too you swear you saw a hint of raw and pure jealousy."Patches what are you doing here?!"he hissed, making you jump,"I-i-"patches tried to say but ended up crouching like a newborn kit,"He was looking for you the least you could do is say you were worried!" you hissed at Sparrowfeather, Patches glanced at you with gratitude and limped away,Sparrowfeather seemed to calm down and licked your muzzle before going to gather some more herbs
  5. 10 Moons LaterWhen you walked Ashwing rushed to you,"Y/M/N i really like you will you be my mate?"You say?
  6. (If OFC) You found 4 kits and named them, Spottedkit,Sparrowkit,Ashkit,and Berrykit!
  7. (If NO)She padded away angrily and you saw Sparrowfeather padding to you"Will you be my mate?"
  8. (If YES) You had 3 litters of kits but your first two litters died of sickness and/or a badger, your 3rd litter had 4 kits and you named them, Ashkit,Spottedkit,Berrykit, and Sparrowkit
  9. (If NO) He padded away tail drooping, and as you were walking by Berry's farm he padded to you"Will you be my mate?"
  10. (If YES) You had 2 litters of kits but 1 litter died and your foster kittens were taken, so your remaining kittens were named Ashkit,Sparrowkit,Spottedkit, and Berrykit after the clan
  11. (If NO) He padded away and said nothing he was hurt....then you went to patches he walked up to you and mewed"w-will you be my mate?"
  12. "Oh thank you!",In part three your kits will be born

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