Are you weird or funny?

Well guys... some people think they are being funny when actually people are looking at you and thinking 'What a weirdo...' or maybe you have the opposite case. You are afraid to speak because you think you are weird, but people loved the jokes you used to crack!

THIS IS A BUNCH OF PERIODS..............................................................................................................................................................................

Created by: im not tellin u
  1. Your friend is crying. She tells you that she is moving schools and she might not be able to visit you. What do you do?
  2. Someone dares you to eat a slice of lemon! You say...
  3. A football hits you on the head. You...
  4. Why are you takeing this quiz?
  5. Fancy a chat?
  6. Well, if you wanted to or not, we are having a chat and I'm starting. What you been up to today?
  7. Good for you. who's ur fave youtuber?
  8. OK. Really sorry... Fave colour?...
  9. Sorry... I had to!
  10. Final Question!

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Quiz topic: Am I weird or funny?