Are you weird???

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Do you think your weird? Like all the time, you wonder if your weird, and your brain makes up your mind for that choice. What has your brain made up now? Are you weird, or not?

But this quiz will tell you if you're weird! And even if you are, it only means your different, and being different is a good thing. Also, please please please comment and rate this, I don't think people read these. If you do, please rate and comment.

Created by: Horse Ka-Ra-Zy
  1. Do you like pickles?
  2. What's your personality
  3. Do you like animals?
  4. We're in the fourth question, almost (almost) halfway. How do you feel about that?
  5. Do you think you're a wild child or pinkie princess?
  6. We are halfway. How do you feel about that?
  7. Do you like this quiz
  8. Gahhhh
  9. Do you like twerking?
  10. How much days until christmas?
  11. Haha the question before the last. Did you like this quiz
  12. Are you different?

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Quiz topic: Am I weird???
