are you stupid???

Have you ever wondered if you were smart, fairly smart, or perhaps, idiotic? Now you can find out for yourself in this little quiz I made. Here you can answer the questions and see whether your smart, in between, or stupid.

So come on up and find out in this quiz! Try getting a good score. If you are not satisfied with your score, you can always take it again; Or perhaps just studying more.

Created by: Kitty
  1. Hello, how are you?
  2. Now, we will take a little quiz. It's telling if your smart or dumb. Let's start.
  3. What is the color of the sun?
  4. How do you spell "Eight"?
  5. Do you like reading
  6. what kind of grades do you get?
  7. Do you go to school?
  8. What's 1+1?
  9. Which greeting is most polite?
  10. Well, thank you for taking this quiz. Hope you liked it. Any last words?
  11. How do you think you did? (Doesn't really count.)
  12. Ok. Last question. Farewell, fellow quiz taker.

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Quiz topic: Am I stupid???