Are you sMaRt or NOT?

This is a quiz(you should already know that) that is quite difficult because it is so easy. SO HOW IS IT HARD you may ask. Well JUST TAKE IT TO FIGURE OUT!

There are many people who are smart but in this quiz it doesnt matter. DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO TAKE A QUIZ LIKE THIS? Remenber some have failed others have passed!

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  1. There are 4 passengers on a bus. 2 get off and 3 get on. Then 6 get on and 2 more get off.Lastly 3 more get on. HOw many people are on the bus?
  2. A red house is made of red bricks, a blue house is made of blue bricks, a yellow house is made of yellow bricks. What is the greenhouse made of?
  3. The Spanish Civil War, which began in July 17 of 1936 was fought between...
  4. Do they have Fourth of JUly in England?
  5. Some months have 30 days and others have 31 days but how many have 28?
  6. If the Vice President died who would be president?
  7. How many birthdays does an average man have?
  8. How many outs are in an inning?
  9. Divide 30 by 1/2 and add 10. What is the sum.
  10. If there are 3 apples and you take two away how many do you have left?
  11. A farmer has 17 sheep all but 9 die. HOw many are left?
  12. A plane crashes in the border of U.S and Canada. Where are the Surivors buried?
  13. TRUE or FALSE It is impossible to attend your funeral.

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Quiz topic: Am I sMaRt or NOT?