Are you seriously that emo?

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There are perky people, depressed people, dead people, smart people dumb people and gothic people, then there are emo people. But how emo are you exactly?

HOW emo are you? Just a little? A lot? Too much? Or maybe you just like the clothing.Or maybe you just like having an excuse for your attiude problem. Which one are you?

Created by: Lethal Grace
  1. How emo do you think you are?
  2. What music do you listen to?
  3. I wear....
  4. Doing Sport
  5. how sad are you?
  6. This quiz is depressing me
  7. Long black hair with bright streaks - thoughts?
  8. you are required to go to school
  9. Vampires are...
  10. Perky people are...

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Quiz topic: Am I seriously that emo?