Are you really popular?

Sure you think you're popular but is that the truth? Find out in this quiz what will make you in or not so much. Just remember that no matter what this quiz says the most important thing is being yourself!

Being popular is a stereotype that defines kids and adults from when they are young to when they're old. If you don't think you're popular that's ok because you are perfect! Don't change yourself! Because you are BEAUTIFUL!!

Created by: Kathrine
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many friends do you have?
  2. What is your favorite text abbreviation?
  3. When you walk into the room what do people do?
  4. What is favorite thing to do after school?
  5. What music do you listen to?
  6. How many boyfriends have you had?
  7. What do you read?
  8. When was the last time you picked up a newspaper?
  9. Where do you shop for clothes?
  10. Do you think your popular?

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Quiz topic: Am I really popular?