Are You Really Emo...?

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There are a lot of emos in this world. But are you an Emo. Do you know what Emo is? Are you smart enough are with what I call "Emo knowledge" to be Emo?

Take This quiz to find out, if your Emo,if you know what Emo is, if your not Emo...should you be emo...and you will find out if your a real or fake emo.

Created by: Kaleigh
  1. Do emos always listen to loud hardcore music?
  2. What color hair do you have?
  3. Which of the following do emos listen to?
  4. What does P!ATD mean?
  5. Pick one member of an Emo band below.
  6. Do emos normally wear darker clothes or lighter color clothes (pastel) or just regular?
  7. Do emos normally wear darker clothes or lighter color clothes (pastel) or just regular?
  8. Do all emos believe in God?
  9. What shoes is populat with the emos?
  10. Are emos really rude and mean?
  11. Are emos depressed?
  12. Do emos cut and commit suicide?
  13. Thanks For Taking This Quiz!💀💘

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Quiz topic: Am I Really Emo...?