Are you really best friends?

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Best Friends are forever! Best friends are people you know you don’t need to talk to every single day. You don’t even need to talk to each other for weeks, but when you do, it’s like you never stopped talking.

Are you and your supposed "best friend" Really meant to be? If so, are you: ~Siamese twins ~good cop bad cop ~team ~horrible together or more... If you really want to know the truth, Take the quiz to find out...

Created by: Lydia T.
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your friend is sick at home with a fever. What do you do?
  2. You two are going to the mall and then McDonalds. What do you wear?
  3. How much do you know about your friend?
  4. What would life be like without each other?
  5. what is your song?
  6. You are having a sleepover. What type?
  7. What is your color?
  8. When did you meet?
  9. What color is your friend's eyes?
  10. If you two were sisters what would It be like? Tell your friend your answer.
  11. You share some crazy juicy secrets with your friend, you then get in a fight about something stupid. Your friend is caught passing a note to one of the girls next to you. She is called up in front of the class to read the note. What does she do?
  12. You are really rich even though you don't admit it. You are beautiful have a gorgeous family, you have a boat, an AWESOME house, friends, popularity, 1000 dollars and you're NOT EVEN 14!!! a trampoline, a phone, trips all the time and just a great childhood.All that she has nice brother? And a bunch of LIES! If you could give her ONE thing What would it be?
  13. Your friend has 2 tickets to a concert, who does the 2nd go to?
  14. You find out that your friend has a crush on your brother...what do you do?

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Quiz topic: Am I really best friends?