Are you really a b----?

"There can really be some Bittchy people in this world and that ok as long as they know when they need to be bittchy. Please take my quiz and see just what kinda of a bittchy person you can be!!"

"Have you ever been called a bittch? Well if you have come take ny quiz and see just how big of a bittch you can be!!! Its easy and will only take a few minutes of your time!"

Created by: Brandi
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If someone cuts in front of you at the grocery check out line you....
  2. Your kid comes home off the bus and say that the same kid that is always picking on him punched him for No reason you:
  3. Your spouse stays out late for the 3rd time in a week, when they finally come home they are drunk AGAIN you:
  4. Your best friend has just spaced you off for the 4th time this month you:
  5. You've heard that your friend has been talking smack behind your back you:
  6. Your neighbor has been playing there music loud for 3 nights in a row you:
  7. Your mother in law is coming to stay overnight to visit for a few days and she wants to bring her yappy little dog you:
  8. It is snowing outside and very cold out. You pass someone on the side of the road that has a flat tire you:
  9. There is a book that you have been wanting and when you get to the book store there is one copy left. You are about to grab it when someone beats you to it you:
  10. You catch your spouse in bed with someone else you:

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Quiz topic: Am I really a b----?