Are you ready to run away?

Hey you! Yes you. Do you ever feel like you want to run away? Well this is a quiz for you. Answer these simple questions and we'll see if you're ready to run away!

Remember the world is a dangerous place, but also. Dont bring a friend or stranger unless you trust them with your life. They could snitch or leave you.

Created by: Jordan E Beckett
  1. How old are you?
  2. Do you have an exact plan?
  3. Would you consider running away with a companion? (Pet, friend, family member,)
  4. Do you have any idea where you will go?
  5. Would you bring money?
  6. Choose a place to sleep for the night
  7. Are you ok with leaving everything you've ever known behind?
  8. Would you be willing to completely change your personality, name, style, etc. so people cant find you?
  9. How will you get money if you run out?
  10. How responsible and financial are you?

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Quiz topic: Am I ready to run away?
