Are You Ready to Keep a Betta

This quiz is to prove that you have properly researched how to care for a betta fish. If you can take this quiz right, then you are ready to own your beautiful betta.

Are you READY for a betta fish? Do you have the proper time and money to care for a betta? By taking this quiz, you can prove that you are ready to take care of your new betta fish. If you don't get a good score, that just means you've got some research to do on how to care for your betta.

Created by: Brent
  1. What is the minimum amount of gallons/liters for a betta?
  2. What is the best temperature for a betta?
  3. Do bettas need a filter and heater?
  4. How much of the water should you clean per week?
  5. Where does bettas come from?
  6. Can bettas live in bowls?
  7. What do bettas eat?
  8. Can you keep two male bettas in the same tank?
  9. Are bettas tropical fish?
  10. Is ammonia toxic to fish?

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Quiz topic: Am I Ready to Keep a Betta