Are you pretty? (girls only!)

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There may be pretty people around but few are truly beautiful. Beautiful is, afterall, quite exceptional. What does beautiful truly mean? It means someone who is not afraid to show their true face.

Are YOU beautiful? Do you have the natural beauty to qualify for that prestigious title of beauty queen? Until now, you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minits, you will find out!

Created by: Aliysha
  1. How often do you wear make up?
  2. How much would you spend on make up in a month on avrage?
  3. Do you think you are pretty?
  4. Do you ever got compliments in the street about your looks?
  5. Do you have plastic surgury?
  6. Are you considering plastic surgury?
  7. Do you have a boyfriend? (be honest)
  8. If so, does he think ur pretty?
  9. Last question, did you like this quiz?
  10. Okay this is the last question: REALLY???

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Quiz topic: Am I pretty? (girls only!)