are you perfect for Greyson chance

gosh u r smart that or my question are just easy u have a really smart brain almost thought u were a computer you are very clever to know that and a good point of view

your a Genius!smart and have a good brain.what do u do to make you so smart i only wonder so i can be that smart but thank you for taking this test i really hope you liked it

Created by: gracie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do u wear make up
  2. have you every lied
  3. do u hang out with friends everyday
  4. are you nature
  5. do u find ur self with on Chance when ur older
  6. whats your dream date
  7. how old are you
  8. favorite food
  9. what is Greyson Chance dogs name
  10. what year where you born
  11. did you like this test

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Quiz topic: Am I perfect for Greyson chance