Are you ooooglerific?

There are many people out there that believe they have what it takes to belong amongst us oooogleians. However, do you contain in you the qualities to be ooooglerific?

Are YOU ooooglerific? Do you have the ability to create for you a happy and utterly amazing existance because of your creative and amazing qualities? In just a few moments, we will find out just how ooooglerific you are!

Created by: Elizabeth
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You're not one to say "No" to the call of:
  2. What's your theme song?
  3. If you were a crayon color, what color would you be?
  4. When you are driving in your car, crusin' the town. You wouldn't be caught dead....
  5. Your at a club, you see someone across the way who is most definately ooooglerific....what is most likely your next plan of action?
  6. George Clooney is the best actor known to man kind.
  7. Your friends would say you were more...
  8. What is your ultimate dream date
  9. How open minded are you?
  10. Do you love fragglerock?

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Quiz topic: Am I ooooglerific?