Are you my type (I'm pansexual so its open for everybody)

Yo ig its all in the headlineBlabblablablabalablabala[no urls]://[no urls] like trainsAbcdefghijklmnopejdiieksbssbnsnskskdkdkdlslssl

Blablablablablablablabalbblabla abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[no urls]://[no urls]I nono wanna die alone TwTHow are u? Have u cried?

Created by: Ethan
  1. Do u smoke/ drink?
  2. Whats ur style?
  3. Fav. Animal
  4. Do you respekt EVERY other living Creature
  5. Ur personality
  6. What would u choose?
  7. Ur age?
  8. Choose a city
  9. Ur nationality (or the one u relate to the most)
  10. Would u adopt/have kinds?

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Quiz topic: Am I my type (I'm pansexual so its open for everybody)
