Are you Justin Bieber's #1 fan?

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Are YOU Justin Bieber's #1 fan?Take this quiz and figure out!These questions are questions that only TRUE Bieber fans would know.If you have any problems with this quiz then leave a comment and we will try to fix it.

Justin Bieber is a 16 year old boy who followed his dream.If you have a dream, follow it and never let go of it.Do what Justin did and believe in yourself.

Created by: AndriaAudrey
  1. WhAt Is JuStIn'S fAv CoLoR?
  2. WhAt Is JuStIn'S bRoThEr'S nAmE?
  3. WhAt FaMoUs PeRsOn dOeS jUsTiN bIeBeR hAvE a CrUsH oN?
  4. HoW oLd Is JuStIn BeIbEr?
  5. WhEn WaS jUsTiN bIeBeR's FiRsT aLbUm ReLeAsEd?
  6. WhAt iS JuStIn'S fAv SoNg oFf Of My wOrLd?
  7. WhO wAs JuStIn BiEbEr'S lAsT gIrLfRiEnD?
  8. Do YoU lOvE jUsTiN bIeBeR?
  9. Am I bOrInG yOu?
  10. ThIs iS ThE lAsT qUeStIoN

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Quiz topic: Am I Justin Bieber's #1 fan?