Are you Good or Bad? THE QUIZ!

There are many people good and bad. Some in between but do they know they are? Well if your one of those people who don't know then its time to take this quiz!

Lets see... At the end of this test it will reveal who's good or who's bad. This is based on what happened to my school one day. Though there are some i just changed. Hope ya like it!

Created by: SpecterSlash
  1. You walk through the corridor of your school while holding apple pie. A kid holding a heavy load of books passes by you. He looks very hungry. Suddenly he loses balance and his books fall. What do you do?
  2. You go to your class. When your teacher comes in she says "Okay class its time for a pop quiz!". You say...
  3. After the pop quiz is done the teacher checks them. After she checks them she sighs and says only a few answered correctly. She says the names of those who passed and one of them is you. Because you passed you...
  4. After a long day at school its your last session. The teacher told you to make an essay about the presidents to be submitted tomorrow. When school is done you go back to your house and...
  5. The next day when you were going to school you saw some punk teenagers beating up a guy at the street. They beat him up so much he is now bleeding. The punks finally stop and go away. There is a policeman walking towards you.
  6. If you chose to save him: The policeman captures the criminals who beat that guy up. An ambulance comes to take the man to the hospital. Before the ambulance leaves the man says thanks that you saved his life. You say...(Choose 1-3) If you chose not to: The man was almost dead but gladly some people noticed him and informed the policeman. The guy lived but because his injuries wasn't treated fast he couldn't walk anymore. You feel terrible. You say...(Choose 4-6)
  7. When you got to your school after that bad experience you kept calm and went to class. You suddenly remembered your homework! (Check question 6) (1-3 if you did it) (4-6 if you didn't)
  8. Did you have fun with the quiz?
  9. What is your reaction to this question?
  10. Last question: Did you do this honestly? Really if you just answered to get good or bad please don't. Re answer it honestly on what exactly you would do. Anyways did you do this honestly?????

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Quiz topic: Am I Good or Bad? THE QUIZ!