Are You Good At Science?

Ever wondered if you were good at science, take this quiz to find out. Note this quiz is recommended for 14 years and older because there are some hard questions.

Please answer the 25 questions without cheating, so I can give accurate results if the results offend you please know I am deeply sorry. Anyway have fun ; )

Created by: Indeed the quiz
  1. What is mitosis?
  2. How do you work out density (formula answer)?
  3. How many chambers of the heart are there?
  4. If our moon got destroyed right now what effects would it have for us humans?
  5. The closest relative to the dodo is.
  6. What is most of the universe made of ?
  7. Which of these are real in the past.
  8. What kind of energy does a unlit match have?
  9. What type of waves are present in a earthquake?
  10. Two mammals can lay eggs what are these called.
  11. The two mammals that lay eggs are anteaters and the.
  12. What element has a atomic number of 79?
  13. What happens to your body in space?
  14. Which of the below is a decapod?
  15. What is the biggest organ in a human?
  16. How does a painkiller work?
  17. What type of human discovered fire?
  18. Why can we see the moon.
  19. How many sections are in the brain?
  20. Which of the below is a noble gas?
  21. The bacteria that makes yogurt is called.
  22. The element hydrogen has a atomic number of ...
  23. Rust is written as Fe2O.
  24. Fe2O is a ... Element.
  25. True or false we use 10 percent of our brain.

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Quiz topic: Am I Good At Science?
