Are You Good At Basketball???

There are many not so good basketball players, some good ones, some completely sucky ones, and some great ones. What is a good player?? Well a good player is some one who takes this quiz and find out.

Are YOU a good basketball player? Do you think you would someday be able to reach the NBA? Until now you could only wonder but thanks to this quiz you'll finally find out?

Created by: Bayhley
  1. Do you often find yourself getting yelled at by coaches, parents and other players???
  2. Do your parents tell you how to do everything and do you listen to them?
  3. Do you often find yourself at the very end of the bench??
  4. Are you black???
  5. When you eat lunch do you sit with the basketball players?
  6. Are you related to another basketball player that possibly teaches you moves, plays, etc.
  7. What do you drink at the games???
  8. Do you stretch before the game???
  9. When you box out what is your stance like???
  10. What is you PG like???

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Quiz topic: Am I Good At Basketball???