Are you going to, Starclan or Darkforest?

Will you make it to Starclan, as a peaceful loving cat? Or will you go to the darkforest to thrive in pain but train the living cats for evil and to have them finish you dirty work?

Four choices, ten questions only two results! What will you choose and what will you get at the end? Will it be what you hope or not? Will you enjoy the quiz? (answer now)

Created by: BearTail(Shecat)
  1. You see a kit dying in the frozen cold, a kittypet kit. What do you do?
  2. Your mentor got attacked by another clan cat and got terribly injured and no one else is around. What would you do?
  3. Your best friend is having kits with another clan cat and begs you not to tell. How do you react?
  4. Where would you like to go to more? Starclan or Darkforest?🤔
  5. Your leader makes you deputy as the other deputy had been killed. How do you feel?
  6. You and your mate(tom or shecat) have 4 kits but one of them dies. How do you feel?
  7. You are finally leader and a couple of your clan mates don't trust you. What do you do to them?
  8. Your in a battle and you see your apprentice about die but your deputy is also about to die. Who do you save?
  9. Your mate is dying but it is time for your kits to become apprentices. What do you do first?
  10. Your about to drown as you slid under rushing water, Where do you think you will end up in?

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Quiz topic: Am I going to, Starclan or Darkforest?
