Are you fat or skinny??

Do you think you are fat????? Or skinny?? Well no matter what everyone is skinny to me doesn't matter what your size. Take this quiz to figure out what you are!

Am i skinny or fat??? The big question everyone's asking these days! My quiz will get you a step closer to figuring that question out!!!!!!!:)!:)!:)!

Created by: Something_
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How old are you?
  2. How much do you weigh?
  3. Have people ever called you fat?
  4. Have you tried to vomit after you eat? (Bulimia)
  5. Have you ever starved yourself
  6. Do you have a thigh gap?
  7. When you stand can you see your feet?
  8. Do you think your fat or skinny
  9. Last but not least! Can you see your hip bones or rib cage?
  10. How did you like this test/quiz

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Quiz topic: Am I fat or skinny??