Are you Dumb, Dummer or Dumbest?

Are you dumb, dumber or dumbest? What do you think you are? try the quiz and find out!! Do you think ur that dumb to do this dumb quiz? SO what are you? DO IT!

Are you dumb, dumber or dumbest? What do you think you are? try the quiz and find out!! Do you think ur that dumb to do this dumb quiz? So what are you? DO IT !

Created by: Budi
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Whats 2 + 2?
  2. Do you study?
  3. How often do you read A BOOK?!
  4. Whats the fav thing to do from those?
  5. Why are you taking this quiz?
  6. What do you think you are?
  7. What day is it today?
  8. A B C ...?
  9. OMG THIS QUIZ IS SO LONG!! Cant think of a question!!!
  10. Yay 12th question, hmm what comes after 12?

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Quiz topic: Am I Dumb, Dummer or Dumbest?