are you awsome or not?

do you want to know if your awsome?well do you? then take this quiz!trust me i'm awsome so i know these things!:D now take the quiz!don't like your score? just complain and i will change it!:D

so are you awsome or not? well take the quiz to see. its really simple just take the quizso if your awsome take the will be surprized by your score!

Created by: mihriban
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you like kids?
  2. what's your personalaty?
  3. do you like pie?
  4. are you a couch potato?
  5. do you drink?
  6. are you funny?
  7. are you descuisting/wrong?
  8. what is your fav dessert?
  9. how offen do you go out?
  10. what is your style?

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Quiz topic: Am I awsome or not?