are you as smart as a 1 year old??

There are a lot of smart people out ther. i am not one of those smart people. are you? no your not because you are not taking this quiz. if you are stupid than why take the time to take this quiz?

take this quizible if you are in the mood for off topic questions, and very pathetic multiple choice questions, take this quiz to find out if you are stuupid or not. (trust me you are.)

Created by: 123
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. where do babys come from?
  2. would you rather poop in your diaper, or pee in your diaper??
  3. if you were stranded on a deserted Island, out of these choices what would you bring?
  4. if you pissed your self would you
  5. if you took James Bond's place would you where spandex???
  6. what kind of car do you want?????
  7. do you think that you got any points in any catagory from the last question???
  8. can you tell us the dfsal;kfjlkdsj backwards????
  9. answer this question if you are under 10, do you have a girlfriend/ boyfriend
  10. do to like to listen to music?
  11. what do you want to be for halloween?
  12. am i a sexy beast
  13. do you think we've goten off topic in this quiz????????
  14. have you lied over the course of this quiz
  15. do you have fun with your plush toys?

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Quiz topic: Am I as smart as a 1 year old??