Are you as cool as me

I'm pretty cool. Are you as cool as me? I'm very beautiful, smart, funny, and awesome. And so very modest! Haha! Maybe you are as cool as me maybe you're not!

Find out if you are as cool as me! Bet you aren't. But why not find out? I'm pretty awesome . I really really really reallly hope you really really like the quiz I hope your as cool as meeeee. This quiz might be weird but it's cool

Created by: Elinor
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What age are you closest to?
  2. What color hair do you have?
  3. How do you wear your hair?
  4. What's your favorite color
  5. What's your favorite animal?
  6. Choose one
  7. Ok puppies. Cute or ugly?
  8. Justin beiber. Major hate or biggest fan?
  9. How long does it take you to pee
  10. Did you like this quiz (does not affect score)

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Quiz topic: Am I as cool as me